One of the main goals of dental hygiene is to ensure that your teeth stay healthy and secure in your mouth. When teeth fall out, it is almost always a bad thing. However, there may be some cases in which removing teeth is a medical necessity. At Snow Family Dentistry, we perform tooth extractions to help patients alleviate the discomfort caused by broken or decaying teeth; and to prepare them for full smile restoration via implants, crowns, bridges, or dentures.

We invite you to learn more about tooth extractions.

Reasons to Get a Tooth Extraction

Your permanent adult teeth are meant to last a lifetime. However, there are some situations in which it makes sense to have them extracted.


Sometimes, teeth are so crowded in the mouth that they lead to misalignment or to problems with the bite. Tooth extraction may be needed to prepare for orthodontia.


When bacteria infect the root of the tooth, it can usually be remedied with a root canal or with antibiotics. In extreme cases, an extraction may be the only way to proceed.

Risk of Infection

For patients who have a compromised immune system (for example, patients undergoing chemotherapy), the risk of tooth infection may pose great danger. Tooth extraction may be recommended as a preventative measure.

Broken Teeth

Sometimes, the best way to restore badly broken teeth is simply to remove them, replacing them with dentures or implants.

What to Expect from a Tooth Extraction

The prospect of having a tooth removed from your mouth may seem intimidating. At Snow Family Dentistry, our staff goes to great lengths to ensure a comfortable, non-frightening experience for each of our patients.

The tooth extraction begins with an examination from Dr. Snow. Following a brief physical examination, we will gain a better sense of which teeth need to be removed or which other options may make more sense.

Before any extraction, local anesthesia is administered to completely numb the treatment area. For impacted teeth, some gum or bone tissue may need to be cut away. The tooth is gently loosened and extracted using simple tools, including forceps. Sometimes, when a smooth removal is impossible, the tooth may be cut into multiple pieces, to be removed one at a time. Either gauze pads or stitches may be used to prevent excessive bleeding and to promote healing.

Recovering from a Tooth Extraction

Following an extraction, we recommend taking at least a couple of days to rest and recover as much as possible. In order to expedite healing and minimize discomfort, take painkillers as prescribed, or simply rely on over-the-counter pain medications. We will provide patients with more specific instructions about using ice to minimize pain and swelling, avoiding strenuous activity, and other post-extraction instructions.

Do You Need a Tooth Extraction?

If you have a tooth that needs to come out, our team is here to talk with you about the specifics of the procedure. Contact Snow Family Dentistry to learn more about tooth extraction.