What Is Gum Disease?

30 May, 2020
Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the gum tissue and bones surrounding your teeth, and is an increasing health risk that requires professional treatment. But what is gum disease and how is it prevented? Keep reading to find out! What Is It? Gum disease is caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms on the teeth. These bacteria create toxins that......
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What is Fluoride and What are Its Benefits?

14 May, 2020
We’ve all heard of it- but what is fluoride exactly? What does it do for your teeth, and what’s the best way to consume it? Our team at Snow Family Dentistry has all the answers! What is fluoride? Fluoride helps prevent cavities by strengthening tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the hard, outer surface layer of your teeth that serves to protect against tooth decay. Unfortunately, tooth enamel is under......
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What to do if you have a dental emergency?

5 May, 2020
Dental emergencies come in many forms, and some are more urgent than others. How do you know what is serious and what isn’t? Continue reading to find out! Lost Tooth If your tooth gets knocked out, you need urgent dental care. Generally, your chances to save the natural tooth decreases after 30-60 minutes. Here are some tips if your tooth has come out of the......
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